Peter Paul Rubens Award 2015 Italy
"Golden Age"
as a cultural and intellectual, humanity words, books and live life in war countrys and humanity help for people and children in the world
27.Juni 2015
©Gabrill | Peter Paul Rubens Prize 2015 Artist Gabrill “we are honored to inform you that you have been selected and candidate for the Award of " Peter Paul Rubens Award 2015” PERSONAL MESSAGE in the artistic panorama of the Civilization of the broader European Baroque(better known by the appellation of the "Golden Age"), where the headquarters of our Association, we are proud to inform you that on 27 June 2015 at the Grand Hotel President, will host the international Event for the delivery of the High Awards by Title "Pieter Paul RUBENS", "Dear Maestro Gabrill with the High Recognition of Art today conferred the Honorary Committee, will appreciate your contribution Cultural which thus becomes a treasure trove of values added to the History of Contemporary Art, values not only iconography but, above all, human, in a universe ethical-moral magnificently represented by Art Baroque, in the wider European Baroque, of which Rubens is one of the greatest expressions of it. " Direzione Artistica Associazione cultural Italia |